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Git hooks

When repo is updated, you need to execute some commands like npm install or composer install for example. To do this, you can use git hooks, it's script that you can configure when git event triggered.

Check .git/hooks directory on root of repository, it's available on all repositories. If you want to execute commands after git pull, create a new script and name it post-merge.


Your git hooks, like .git/hooks/post-merge won't be pushed, it's only available on your local repository.

Create post-merge script

At the root of repository create new bash script

vim .git/hooks/post-merge

Add commands to build app (you can add your own commands, this is just an example)


npm install
npm run build

Make your script executable

sudo chmod +x .git/hooks/post-merge

Verify that your script is executable


All commands in this scripts will be executed after git pull.


Save your scripts

You can create a directory into your repository, like bin, and save your scripts into it. Then you can call your scripts from .git/hooks/post-merge.

mkdir bin

You can add all your commands into a script, like bin/


npm i
npm run build

Then you can call this script from .git/hooks/post-merge.



.git/hooks/post-merge won't be pushed but bin/ will be pushed and you can share it with your team. Just create a new .git/hooks/post-merge if you install this repository on a new machine.

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