Docker notes
Check images
List all images:
docker images
Check containers
List all containers:
docker ps
Clear unused images
Clear only unused images:
docker image prune -f
Clear unused containers
Clear only unused containers:
docker container prune -f
Clear all unused
Clear all unused images, containers, and networks:
docker system prune -f
Remove all
This will remove all images, containers, and networks.
docker system prune --all -f
Remove all containers
Remove all containers:
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
Remove all images
Remove all images:
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
Remove all volumes
Remove all volumes:
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
Remove all networks
Remove all networks:
docker network rm $(docker network ls -q)
Build image
Build an image from a Dockerfile:
docker build -t my-image .
Build image with tag
Build an image with a tag:
docker build -t my-image:latest .
Run container
Run a container from an image:
docker run my-image
Run container with port
Run a container with a port:
docker run -p 8080:80 my-image
Run container with volume
Run a container with a volume:
docker run -v /path/to/host:/path/to/container my-image
Run container with interactive
Run a container with interactive mode:
docker run -it my-image
Run container with detach
Run a container with detach mode:
docker run -d my-image
Run container with name
Run a container with a name:
docker run --name my-container my-image
Run container with environment
Run a container with an environment variable:
docker run -e MY_ENV=my-value my-image
Run with docker compose
Run with docker compose:
docker compose up
Up and build
Run with docker compose and build:
docker compose up --build
Up and detach
Run with docker compose and detach:
docker compose up -d
Stop with docker compose:
docker compose down
Down and remove
Stop with docker compose and remove:
docker compose down -v
Check logs
Check logs of a container:
docker logs my-container
Check logs with follow
Check logs of a container with follow:
docker logs -f my-container
Exec command
Execute a command in a running container:
docker exec my-container ls
Exec interactive
Execute an interactive command in a running container:
docker exec -it my-container bash
Copy from container
Copy a file from a container:
docker cp my-container:/path/to/file /path/to/host
Copy to container
Copy a file to a container:
docker cp /path/to/host my-container:/path/to/container